
Rudy Nikkel needs to update this page! He still loves the Mac, but his desktop Mac is a mid-2007 model and his laptop is only a few years less old. And since he retired from teaching (in 2010) and took up golf (2012) he does less and less computer ‘work’. But he much prefers typing on a real keyboard to scrunching up his fingers on an iPad or ‘thumbing’ his blog posts on a phone. And speaking of blogging, this site has become mostly a ‘travel’ journal. So the site sits idle for most of the year, but comes alive when Rudy hits the road. Since he retired Rudy and his wife Sue have spent a good part of each winter living in a place that is not their Manitoba home. So instead of highlighting some of the websites he’s built for others, this page should really be about Rudy the traveller. So now it IS that, sort of. Still, this page really needs updating. One of these days…