Desert Dunes II

Well, I’ve already told you about the highlight of my morning. No, actually the highlight was bacon and eggs with 1 piece of toast. We skyped with Alex a bit. Sue sat outside beside the pool and read. After soup and a sandwich we got into the van and headed west to Desert Hot Springs. Back to Desert Dunes golf course. We knew it would be a bit cool today, but at least it wasn’t as windy as last time we were at this course. Wrong. Very windy. Gusty. WAY windier than the light breeze we had in Rancho Mirage. Oh well, maybe it’ll be okay — after all, we had fun last time. Sue got us the same discount, so for $25 each we got into our golf cart and teed off at the first hole. Big drives into big wind. Just like last time. And Sue really wasn’t enjoying it very much. But we persisted. The upside was that there weren’t very many other golfers on the course. By the time we turned the corner and got onto the back nine things were looking up. Better golf shots. Wind let up a bit occasionally. And instead of losing lots of balls, we actually came out a bit ahead after finding a cache of balls when we went looking for one of our errant drives in the scrub brush along hole 13. So that was a bonus. The course is really a very nice course — challenging, beautiful, well-maintained, and inexpensive. But that wind!

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We returned our Redbox movie on the way home. Then, after happy hour, I barbecued chicken and Sue made quesadillas. Then we watched some TV and waited for Daylight Savings Time to kick in.