Sunday: The start of a cold and wet few days here in Gold Canyon. Woke up at 7 and watched our Sunday morning news shows. Sue made pancakes (with fruit) for breakfast. We read for a couple of hours and waited for lunch time to arrive. It was raining quite hard for quite a long time. I saw a couple of brightly colored cardinals in the tree outside the window. That was before the hard rain began. And then it hailed!
Thunder, lightning, pouring rain, snow, sleet, hail. YUCK! We watched golf in the afternoon. It continued to rain. We read.
We went for a little ride before heading to the Peters’ place for supper. The rain had stopped and the sun was peaking through the clouds, lighting up Superstition Mountain. It looked great!
Lyle was busy in the kitchen when we arrived at the Peters’. Indian food. Three delicious dishes. Lots of food. A very fine meal. After dinner we sat in the living room and visited until around 9:30. We got home and looked online to see if a visit to Tucson would work for tomorrow. Might be too cold and rainy. Watched a bit of TV and went to bed.