Called Paul and Kathy this morning; they are interested in visiting us in February. We’ll see if it works for them. After bacon and eggs we went for a little bike ride around the neighbourhood. Checked out the Montserat community across the highway — inexpensive homes ($109,000 new), having garage and patio sales. We didn’t buy anything — no golf clubs, no home.
After lunch Sue read and I worked on a website for a while. Then at 4pm we took the golf bags out of the van and headed into Phoenix. We stopped at the big Superstition Center on the way — I bought a couple of pairs of shorts at Target and we filled up the van with gas. Then on to the Orpheum Theater, just northwest of the Phoenix airport. We parked our car and went to a Thai restaurant for supper. Sat next to one of the crew members from the John Prine show.
After supper we bought tickets to the Loudon Wainwright / John Prine concert — two $52 tickets for $75. After waiting until 7pm to fill up the parking meter so that it would be paid until 8:00, after which parking is free, we went into the Orpheum Theater. Turned out are seats were pretty good! Row one, center. Right in front of the singers! Sound was great. Theater was very nice. Concert looked pretty much sold out. Audience LOVED Loudon and John. Loudon’s set was an hour, Prine’s was from 9pm to 11pm. He played ALL his best songs, often accompanied by a young guitar player and an older bass player. All three guys were great. Final encore had Loudon join the Prine band onstage for a very fine version of “Paradise”. The concert was excellent.
We got into our van and were back on the 202 freeway in no time. Back in our house in Gold Canyon in less than 45 minutes. This is even easier than going to a concert in Winnipeg.
Looking forward to tomorrow — and other Sunday in front of the TV! Life is hard!