Well at least it wasn’t raining when we got up this morning. In fact, the sun was shining through the clouds. And while it certainly wasn’t warm outside, it wasn’t as cold as yesterday either.
We had breakfast with Jim and Bonny and discussed options for the day. We’d pretty much decided on a hike in the Boyce Thompson park but when Jim and I drove to Bashas to pick up bread and sandwich meat and saw the L-O-N-G lineup of busses heading east on the 60 — well, we changed our mind. Why sit in bumper to bumper traffic when we can just go for a little hike up Silly Mountain right here. So that’s what we did.
As long as the clouds didn’t hide the sun it was nice and warm outside. We made a quick circuit on our little ‘silly’ hill and then went back home for lunch. Sue was feeling really crappy (literally) and so she went for a nap after lunch. The rest of us sat around, eventually finding a spot in the sun in our backyard. We were going to go out for supper, but because Sue didn’t really feel well and not at all hungry, we decided to go pick something up and have supper here at the house. We were watching curling on TV and when that was over we changed our mind once again — Jim and Bonny and I would go across the road to the Hitching Post for supper while Sue would stay back and have another snooze. So that’s what we did.
Jim and Bonny had a chance to enjoy the fine ‘live’ entertainment offered nightly at the Hitching Post — a ‘real’ taste of life in Gold Canyon. When we’d finished our meal and the singer was finished singing along with Side A of his karaoke tape we headed back to our house (well, by ‘we’ I mean Jim, Bonny, and I — not the ‘singer’). We watched some more curling and at some point Sue came back out from her hibernation and joined us. Around 10:30 that was done and now the rest of us did like Sue and went to bed.