(Another) Very Good Day

Tuesday: What a great day! Made a couple of phone calls this morning and then read my book again — which I hadn’t done for quite a few days. We had a late lunch. Sue went to Bashas to pick up some groceries. Then we high-tailed it out to Mountain Brook for our 3pm tee time. We hit a bucket of balls on the driving range before the round. Our games were okay — not as good as we thought we could have golfed, but the sky was clear, the sun was shining, and we were having fun.

After golf we went to Walgreen’s to pick up our movie rental. Then another stop at Bashas for beer and hotdog buns. I burned the burgers on the barbecue a bit, but that was probably the only disappointment of the day. After supper we sat down to watch our DVD — a pretty good movie called “The Ides of March”. After the movie we watched Frontline on PBS. All in all, a very good day.