Woke up in our old bedroom. Woke up real early — because I went to bed too early. But I turned over and snoozed on and off for a while before finally rolling out of bed at 6:00am. Skyped with Max and Alex — hey, who says we have to change our morning routine? It is cold and blizzardy at home, and it is just another perfect day here in Palm Desert. After breakfast (back at our little table in the kitchen now that there’s just the two of us) Sue declared it was time for a walk. We got another email from our real estate lady so I looked up one of the listings that wasn’t too far from our place, and that’s where we walked to. Of course the actual complex was gated so all we really got to see was the area and a peek into the backyard. It’s not far from the weekend flea market, which was going strong today, because it’s President’s Day here (it’s Louis Riel Day at home). We got home — the walk was almost 6 miles roundtrip — and it was time for lunch.

After lunch Sue went to sit and read at the pool and I worked on a couple of computer projects for Koop. I did that all afternoon. Sue came home and made supper (spaghetti). After supper we watched our shows on TV. After a few more hours of one eye on the TV and the other on our iPads, it was time for bed. And that’s how you waste away a perfectly nice Monday in Palm Desert.