Okay, by now you know the routine. Another perfect day in paradise. Morning: bike ride. Returned our movie rental and picked up a new one. Doodled around some new neighborhoods that we’d never been in before and saw some really amazing homes. Got home for lunch at 12:30. Sue read a bit. I sent a few emails and then started the latest Miriam Toews novel.
Then at 3pm we were off to the golf course. Good times again. Had a slow foursome ahead of us and just barely finished 9 holes before darkness set in. Of course, the red hues of the setting sun lighting up Superstition Mountain made the scenery spectacular (again). With cooler weather forecast for the the next week today may be the last afternoon golf game for a few days.
Got back to the house and had warmed up Chinese leftovers for supper — and they were better than they were yesterday! Skyped with Jim a bit. Watched yesterday’s Daily Show before watching tonight’s Redbox feature: Beginners.