Bluff Hill Lookout

Monday today (I know, I know, it’s actually Sunday at home, but here it is Monday). That means it’s “wash day”. So Sue did two loads of laundry after breakfast. We don’t use the dryer here — no, the 27 degree sunshine and a light ocean breeze means that wash on the line dry faster and fresher-smelling than they do in the electric dryer. 

Although we had decided we would “do nothing” today, we put on our walking shoes and dabbed a bit of SPF50 sunscreen on our noses and went for a little ‘tramp’ up the big hill that lies between our apartment here in Ahuriri, a suburb of Napier, and the Napier City Centre. Hey, what would a day in paradise be without working up a little sweat (and appetite) before lunch. Apparently the views of the port from up on Bluff Hill are great. This time of year (we think the summer school holidays ended here this past weekend) there can be several cruise ships at the port, unloading waves of tourists who are whisked by air-conditioned modern coach buses to the Napier beaches a mile or two south. Graeme told us that the second largest cruise ship in the world had been in port this past weekend, dispatching more than 4000 cruisers into our little town. 

We didn’t really know how strenuous the hike would be. It turned out to a fairly easy half hour climb up a couple of small steep roads and then a zig-zagging path with stairs on most of it. And there’s quite a nice park at the top. A parking lot for those who’d rather drive up. A small flower garden and a large compass. And very fine panoramic views of the sea and the port.

We snapped enough photos to warrant another ‘gallery’ for the blog, then tramped back home along the oceanfront walkway. And while the number of double- and triple-trailer logging trucks remains a constant, we noticed quite a change in the number of people on the walk and on the beach. The summer holidays are over. It’s “quieter” here now.


I’d have to say the highlight of my day was lunch; actually, the highlight of EVERY day for me is lunch. A big shaved ham and avocado and cheese and mustard sandwich, with just the right number of potato chips (Sue counts them to make sure I have only ‘one portion’), and a tall glass of a cool delicious beverage I must not name. I told Sue today that when I die it better be after lunch or I will feel cheated.

I watched a bunch of YouTube videos of highlights from all my favourite Sunday morning TV talk shows. Man, how is it that the “greatest nation on earth” can have so many dumb-ass voters that they elect a narcissistic, rude, billionaire buffoon who says up is down and down is up… And where is that little boy who will alert them to the fact that the emperor has no clothes, and what’s taking him so long?

And Sue read her kindle — today she finished reading “A Japanese Lover” and started her next bookclub book, “The Story of Edgar Sawtelle”.  

At around 4:30 I made us a little snack: apple slices and some crumbles of a nice sharp cheese we bought at the farmers’ market yesterday. While Sue appreciated the gesture, she wasn’t all that impressed by the quantity of time and utensils it took for me to prepare it. Oh well, I guess that’s why she’s the master chef around here. 

Speaking of master chef, we had a lovely salad with our leftover rice and chorizo tonight. And then it was time to set up my little laptop computer and tune in to another episode of “The Crown” on Netflix. Ah, a lazy day in Napier. What could be finer?