Another cool day. Well, actually by mid-morning there were golfers on the course just outside our kitchen window — in shirt sleeves, looking like they were enjoying another day in paradise. And no wind either. So maybe 14 degrees is cold for Californians, but it sure beats the -20 they got back home.
Watched Fareed and Reliable Sources on CNN in the morning. Then french toast with mangos and bananas and fresh coffee for breakfast. At 10am the first of 2 divisional NFL games began. I was cheering for Seattle, and they ‘almost’ won, but not quite. So in the end the Atlanta Falcons won. Oh well, the next game was a foregone conclusion. Patriots are just too good.
And all during the games Sue was busy phoning and skyping and emailing, but not reading. And I was working on a bunch of pretty good photos of Baby Max which are in my PhotoStream. Here’s a sample:

When the last game of the weekend finally came to an end, and quickly before it got dark here (which it does at around 5:30), we bundled up and went for a walk — the usual route, around the course, in reverse. And yes, it was pretty cold outside. But the view was good. See, here’s how it looked:

So you can see how nice the sunset looks over the Santa Rosa mountains. And you can see how nice and green the fairways look. And you can see how quickly it gets dark here.
When we got back home I fired up the barbecue and Sue zapped some bacon, and we had whistle dogs for supper while we watched the Golden Globes on TV. They were over at 8pm. “Argo” won the Best Picture award (Surprise!). We followed that up with “60 Minutes”, and a second glass of wine. Another fine Sunday. Can’t wait for the next one!