Cycling (and hiking) to the Hieroglyphics

Whew! What a busy day we had today.

Rudy and Sue hiking at Superstition MountainWe got our cycling shorts on and wore our regular shorts over them. We put on our hiking boots and strapped Sue’s hiking pole to the bike carrier. Then we cycled the 8 or 9 kms to the parking lot from where you can hike the trail up to the hieroglyphics up on Superstition Mountain. The last time we did this was last March when Tim and Carmen joined us for the hike. The day was lovely — about 75 degrees with a slight breeze. We met a couple of other hikers along the way but mostly we just enjoyed the quiet and the beauty on our own. The hike up to the hieroglyphics took us about 45 minutes. We took a few photos. Then half an hour to hike back. The complete trip, including biking there and back, took us 2.5 hours.

Rudy and Sue at the hieroglyphics up on Superstition MountainAfter lunch Sue sat outside and visited on the phone while I worked on the MIT website a bit more — making a few new banners which rotated on a sort of slideshow. Because of our late lunch we didn’t have that much time before our 3 o’clock tee time at Mountain Brook. Again, the afternoon was just ideal for us. No pressure from golfers behind us, great temperature, great scenery. And we both made some pretty good shots and felt like however slow, we are making progress. We’ll probably go again!

Stopped at Bashas’ to pick up a few groceries before heading home for supper (baked spaghetti) and then Monday Night Football. Unfortunately my New York Giants look like they’ve cooked their season by losing (yet again!) — Drew Brees and the Saints posted 577 yards of offense and beat the Giants 49-24.

After the game I undid most of my banner work on the MIT site — when Sue showed me how ugly it looked on the iPad. Nothing like ‘user-testing’ when you’re doing web work!