Friday Night Pizza, #118

We woke up early. Made coffee twice this morning; two cups each. I worked on an illustration trace for most of the morning. Sue went out for a haircut, and a really good one it was (translation: I wouldn’t have noticed any difference if she hadn’t told me). At around 10:30 we sent a text to Marina’s friend Helene that we would be stopping by her apartment on Sea Point to pick up some coupons she’d offered to give us — two-for-one golf and a few restaurant deals from one of those coupon books. By the time we had walked along the promenade all the way to her place she wasn’t home — but she’d left an envelope for us at the front desk. Great.

Almost every day there are a row of paragliders coming down from the top of Signal Hill and Lion’s Head, floating down over the golf course and landing here beside the shoreline on Mouille Point.

We continued our walk back towards our place, first stopping at the V&A to get more cash from the ATM. The noon cannon sounded just as I unlocked the door into our apartment. And then lunch was served!

After lunch we restarted the movie we started a couple of nights ago, Kumiko the Treasure Hunter, a Japanese movie about a girl who thinks the movie Fargo is ‘real’. Quiet, subtitles, a little strange, but okay.

After the movie we had our happy hour out on the patio. Sue had emailed Peter about the car registration and we now got an email back reassuring us that all was okay. I watched some guy trying to fill his overheating radiator with water down on the street below our balcony — and he got his nice white shirt and dress pants all sprayed up with anti-freeze when he opened the rad cap. Yeah, little things like that amuse an old guy like me. That, and the traffic jams on our little access road during Friday night rush hour.

Sofisticata -- stracciatella chees, parma ham, balsamic reduction & sun-dried tomatoes
Sofisticata — stracciatella cheese, parma ham, balsamic reduction & sun-dried tomatoes

Soon after happy hour it was time to think about supper. Where should we go today? Well, it’s Friday — so of course we’ll have pizza. Do you wanna go out? Just as much fun getting takeout and having it here. Okay, where shall we order from? I’ll ask Siri. She suggests Big Route Pizza, just around the corner from our house. TripAdvisor gives it 5 stars! Well! That’s easy enough.

After supper (the wood-fired pizza was as good as the reviews said it would be!) we cued up another Oscar-nominated movie, Carol. We ended the day watching the CBC ‘At Issue’ Panel.