Worked on some projects on the computer this morning. Sue read a bit and did her morning yoga. Around lunch time a couple of landscaping guys showed up and worked on the yard for a couple of hours. They trimmed back all the hedges, took the big leaf-blower to the whole yard, mowed the grass, and cleaned up all the fallen oranges and lemons from our fruit trees. We left for Desert Dunes golf course at around 1:30. Desert Dunes is up in Desert Hot Springs, about 20 miles northwest from here. Apparently the course has been bought by a group of Canadians and there are plans for further major developments to what is now a very fine Robert Trent Jones Jr golf course. As we got nearer to the course we realized how windy it was — and quite a bit windier in that part of the valley than where we live. No wonder they’ve got windmills planted along the length of this valley. At the course they told us we could start right away. And they gave us a ‘non-refundable’ discounted price — we golfed for $25 each. Not many other golfers — in fact probably only one other couple on the front nine with us. So we never waited for anybody.
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Teed off on hole one and were lucky not to have the terrific side wind blow our shots off into the desert. Even chipping and putting was unpredictable in the face of this wind. So we decided NOT to keep score. And we had fun. The course was gorgeous. By the last few holes the sun was starting to set behind the clouds and the mountains to the west of us — and the temperature had fallen from 77 degrees when we started to 64. And vicious winds — Sue will probably have a frog in her throat for the next month! We headed to Walmart to return my Redbox DVD and pick up the one I’d reserved. Then home, where Sue made a delicious shrimp supper. We watched our comedy shows. Then we popped in our DVD, “The Intouchables”, a French (subtitled) movie. The movie was pretty good, but a bit hard to follow because I drifted off a couple of times. I may have to watch it again in the morning. After the movie we had some chocolate and watched some more TV before going to bed.