We wanted to go hiking Silly Mountain at 10, but were delayed by an old guy who spotted our Manitoba license plate on our driveway and came over to visit with us for about half an hour. We parked on the Silly Mountain parking lot and hiked up. Just like old times. When we got to the highest point I tried to Skype Mom — and although it rang and she tried to answer, our connection wasn’t good enough to talk, much less show her ‘the view’. So I took a couple of photos and sent them to her later. We walked for just over an hour and then hurried home to have a quick lunch. We sat outside for lunch, and then I skyped Mom again — Linda was there visiting, and so I gave them a look at our backyard.
After a quick shower I had to hurry out of the house to get to the golf course at Mountain Brook for the 1:15 tee time with Ed and Art Peters. The two Peters couples had arrived in Gold Canyon late last night — Art and Wendy will be staying with Ed and Val for a week. Sue had already decided NOT to join us today since we’re golfing the same course tomorrow with Robert and Arlene and she didn’t think she needed the extra practice.
Ed and Art were already on the driving range. I got my own cart and after quick hellos we headed out to the tee at Hole number 1. The golfing was good. Not so hot today — in fact it’s cloudy for the first time since we arrived here a week ago. My game was pretty good — parred the first hole and finished the front nine with a 45. Not quite that good on the back nine — shot a 53 for a total of 98. Had fun. Finished before the sunset.
We invited the Peterses to come over for a drink — which they did. When I got home the phone was ringing (Brigitta), then Alex and Max FaceTimed, and then I see I’ve missed a phone call from Arlene who has just arrived in Gold Canyon today. Busy place! Oh well, we’ll catch up.
The visitors left at around 7. We barbecued cheeseburgers and watched TV. Went to bed tired.