Rudy the repairman

Sometime before noon I had a visit from a neighbour. A tire on his golf cart was very low and he needed to fill in more air so he could drive it to the shop to get it repaired. He knew that John had a compressor and wondered if he could use it to fill up the tire. I plugged in the compressor and let it run for a bit before using it on the tire. It didn’t take long and the tire had 20 lbs of air, good enough to drive the cart. But as I was putting the cap back on the valve I noticed that the valve was the problem — leaking lots of air. But the neighbour thought the tire would make it to the shop alright.

Well, if I’m into ‘fixing’ things, why not try to fix the kitchen faucet which has an annoying drip. I took the tool bag into the kitchen and took the tap apart. I took the cartridge out and hopped onto my bike and headed to ACE hardware. They had a replacement part in stock but encouraged me to first try repairing the cartridge before replacing it. And that’s what I did. And it worked.

I spent much of the afternoon reading. I was going to go out for Chinese food for supper but just before dusk I changed my mind and decided to make dinner instead. So I got back on the bike and cycled back to ACE hardware to return a couple of O-rings that I’d bought to use on the faucet, but now didn’t need. It’s half a block further to the Albertson’s grocery store, so I stopped in there to pick up some shrimp and stuff to make fried rice.

It was completely dark outside by the time I left the grocery store, but there are clearly marked bicycle paths that I could take to get home without a light for my bike. I started supper and turned on the TV — the Republican debate was on, although by now it is really not at all relevant anymore. Dinner was delicious and I had enough leftovers that I can have a nice lunch tomorrow before heading to the airport for a 6pm departure.

I watched the John Batiste documentary on Netflix after supper. Then I wrote my blog while I waited for the start of the Jimmy Kimmel show. And that’s the news from here.