Cloudy morning. We slept till 8. Then Dave and Marylou and Sue and I got on our bikes and pedalled down to Bashas to pick up a copy of the New York Times. Then on to the Walgreen’s coffee shop for breakfast and coffee. Cycled back to the house and sat down to enjoy CBS Sunday Morning, followed by the last day of the Phoenix Open on TV. Mickelson hung onto his lead and won. Then we switched it to the Superbowl, which started just after 4pm.

Dave made a pot of chilli and Marylou baked a cake. We had snacks and watched as the Ravens surprised the Forty-niners in the first half. After the Beyonce half-time show San Francisco kicked off the second half only to have the kick returned for another Raven touchdown. Then the lights went out in the New Orleans Superdome. For nearly half an hour! And when they finally came back on and the game resumed, the momentum was with San Francisco. But in the end (yes, the end — in the final 90 seconds, actually) the Forty-niners came up just a little short and lost the game. Disappointment for Rudy. The others in our Superbowl Party said ‘I told you so’. We had supper and then watched one of Dave’s PVR’d movies, a western with Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner. Not too bad. Went to bed just before midnight. A good day. It’s been a very fun time here in Arizona. Tomorrow right after breakfast we go back ‘home’ to Palm Desert.