This Day Has No Pictures

Today we spend a relaxing morning just lying around our Airbnb until checkout time. In fact we get so carried away there that the owner knocks on our door to see if we are leaving so that she can clean.  We still have a few minutes until check out time so we pretend that we are on it and quickly pack our stuff in the van and leave. We have had a relaxed breakfast that Rudy made and I have worked on catching up on blog entries.

We are heading to Lake Charles, Louisiana for night. The highways are basically miles upon miles of bridges through the swamps and over the waterways. Not much to say about that. Rudy drives and I continue to catch up on blogs. I have spent many days letting them lapse because of activity filled days but now I need to get them done. Rudy stops for a burger for lunch and I get an iced coffee.

When we arrive in Lake Charles we check in at our hotel and head to the local CVS pharmacy to get our Covid 19 vaccinations. We have booked appointments on line. After that we head for supper. Rudy has located a seafood joint and punched it into the Google Maps. Unfortunately he deleted that stop and when we arrive at our destination we find no Seafood Place. After driving around the block I mention that this place seems familiar. Ah ha. Yes.  We are at our hotel. What idiots. We are nowhere close to the eating place we wanted to be. We park the van in the hotel parking lot and cross the street to a Mexican place. Delicious. I have the Shrimp with Garlic plate and Rudy has a Shrimp Chimichanga plate. So there. We have seafood. Not Cajun style, but seafood nonetheless. We head back to our hotel for the rest of the evening, watch some John Oliver political commentary, some sort of Ancestory show and now a bit of baseball. Through it all I work on blog stuff. Whew. I am done. All caught up.