Thursday Night Football at the Firemen’s Pub

I worked on a few Christmas banners for the SMC (Steinbach Mennonite Church) website this morning. Then Sue and I went for a bike ride — returned our movie to Walgreen’s and picked up another one. Then we pedaled around some of the bays in MountainBrook before coming back home for lunch.
After lunch Sue read outside and I recorded a birthday greeting for Irmy using GarageBand, a program I hadn’t used before. We left it on her voicemail at the library and at her house.
Sue picked up our debit cards from the Chase Bank. I read my Steve Jobs book until it was time to go out for supper at around 7pm. We had never been to the Firemen’s Pub on King’s Ranch Road, but because they were advertising Thursday Night Football which is on the NFL Network (which I don’t get at home), we decided to give them a try. They had 15 TVs, a cheeseburger special, and quite a few customers. And the pizza looked good too. We ordered the burger special and sat there quietly cheering for the Jets. Three or four patrons were wearing Bronco shirts and a few more were cheering whenever the Jets stumbled. So we had to cheer quietly. Unfortunately, although the Jets were leading for most of the game, Tim Tebow led the Broncos down the field in the last 5 minutes and won the game in dramatic fashion 17-13. Sue took it out on the waitress, shortchanging her on the tip.
Back at home I spent some time computing and updating the blog; then watched some late night TV before calling it a night.