Good coffee in the morning. Skyped with Max and Alex. Did some computer work for Koop. Sue organized a bike ride for 10:00. Went around the neighbourhood. Then out on Dinah Shore all the way to Portola and then back along Gerald Ford. Returned yesterday’s (terrible) movie and picked up one for tonight. Lunch at 11:30! Wow! Right on time! Sue sat in her lounger outside and read — a perfect day. I skyped with Koop and did some web updates. Then I read a bit. Then it was time for supper. Cheeseburgers on the barbecue — plus some cool corn concoction that Sue got the recipe from Alex for. And then, after the news and our comedy shows we watched our movie rental, “A Late Quartet”. Wow! that was surprisingly good! I tried to take a photo of us watching the movie but now my batteries in the camera are DEAD. And after the movie we watched “Knocked Up” on one of the TV movie channels. That was funny too — and we were staying up until nearly midnight, which we hardly ever do. Got a tee time booked at Desert Dunes for tomorrow afternoon. Weather is supposed to cool off for the next couple of days. That’ll be okay. Well, I’ll finish watching my movie and then mosey on off to bed.