A walk in the neighbourhood

Went for a long walk this morning, out all the way to the Pukaranga Golf Course. It was drizzling. We enquired about tee times and membership options. Then we sat in the lobby and waited for the rain to let up a bit. We stopped at a fruit market on the way back, and then detoured through the Botany Town Center. I managed to get a (free) AC plug end for my computer power cord from an electronics store. We browsed through a few of the shops and picked up a few more supplies at the big New World grocery store settling back into our apartment. Eggs and coffee for breakfast. Reading. Shopping online. I think we’ve figured out a car rental for our time here – I’ve arranged to pick up a ‘Rent-a-Dent’ car on Saturday. Sue did some research and requested a booking at a cottage in Tauranga City, about 2 hours south of here, for a couple of nights when we leave here next Tuesday. She made spaghetti and meat sauce for dinner. Then we settled into our spots for another evening of Netflix.