Sue was ‘Suzie-homemaker’ this morning. She cleaned all the big mirrored-doors on the closets, and all the windows. Then she baked another batch of cookies. I worked on a website and listened to old Neil Young albums. Alex skyped us — from Toronto, where she and Max have gone for a 4 day ‘retreat’ while Tim attends a trade show there. Max’s first plane ride was ‘perfect’.
After lunch Sue went to the pool to read. Then we hopped into the van for the 2-mile ride down to Shadow Mountain Golf Club. We’d gone there once before and liked it. It was a very nice afternoon. Our golf was a lot of fun too, although we had to wait for the groups ahead of us at nearly every hole. We skipped a couple of holes at the end because it was getting dark and cooling off, and instead of waiting at the tee blocks we could golf the last 4 holes without waiting. Sue wasn’t that pleased with her game, but that’s how golf is.
After golf we idled around the east end of town a bit, before coming back home for supper. Sue made one of her favourites, beans. No movie rental tonight, so we tried watching a movie on HBO. It wasn’t very good, and neither was the ‘best superbowl commercials’ show we switched to instead. Finally, at 9pm, we watched Frontline on PBS — all about funerals and funeral homes in North America. Followed several stories of death, including one couple’s final days with their 2-year-old child. A very interesting and well-done show.
Sue was off to bed early — and I sat and worked on my website until around 1:00 — and forgot to right my journal until now, next morning.