Breakfast — a treat today! Scrambled eggs. The golfing ladies were out in full force today, decked out in glittery getup, driving their pimped-out mini Cadillac golf carts, and duffing their drives off in all directions.
Read more of my book today. Sue made lunch at around twelve and then went out to sit and read at the pool. Then at around 3 we headed out for a walk. Sue wanted to walk to Bristol Farms, an ‘organic’ grocery store. It’s about 2 miles from our place. After browsing around in the aisles for a bit we went across the street to Starbucks for an afternoon coffee. Then to the Redbox at Albertson’s to return my DVD and pick up my next movie. Then back home. It was cool, especially as the sun was setting, but we sure noticed that the days are longer now than they were when we arrived here a month ago. And as long as we were walking we weren’t cold. Back home we had a little happy hour. Then Sue made spaghetti leftovers for supper. Watched our movie — Searching for Sugar Man, an Oscar-nominated documentary about the forgotten ’70’s folksinger, Rodriguez. Pretty good. Watched a PBS special about Henry Ford after that, and then off to bed. Got a tee time booked for tomorrow afternoon. Here are today’s photos: