Today, finally, after far too long being stuck indoors, the Nikkels headed back out to Mountain Brook for 9 holes of golf. It was great. It was a bit cool, but the sun was shining and we had a fun time. No waiting. No one ahead of or behind us. And we finished in record time, home by just after 5pm. Our score for nine holes wasn’t anything great, but we are not without hope. (And tonight I read that the weather just a bit east of us here isn’t NEARLY as nice as it is here — see the photo from the Winnipeg Free Press.)

We read in the morning — and I finally finished the “Irma Voth” book. Not that much fun of a read. Sue is about 200 pages into the Steve Jobs book. And tonight we got another Amazon box delivered — more books!
After another great supper (leftover cheeseburgers from yesterday, with potatoes and a fruit salad, YUM), we watched Monday Night Football. The game wasn’t all that exciting, so in between I switched to the 7pm repeats of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.We ended the evening by watching the CBC National (Live Streaming).