Sue and I went for a bike ride in the morning. After lunch Sue went to the pool to read and I ‘went shopping’ for TV antenna stuff. By happy hour I was deep into stringing up coax cable and scanning for digital TV signals. I had hoped to get the big TV in the bedroom hooked up, but I need a digital converter for that — so my little computer room TV is now sitting on the ledge in the bedroom closet. BUT IT WORKS! NBC, PBS, FOX, CBS, and a bunch of Spanish channels all come in crystal clear, better than cable! Happy days — no, happy nights, because now I can fall asleep to the sound of Jimmy Fallon’s crappy jokes.
After supper we were sitting and watching TV (and I was now trying to get the living room TV hooked up to an antenna as well!) when we had a text message from Arlene — happy days, no surgery, got a walking cast, having dinner at the mexican restaurant behind Bashas. Great news. The Dycks came by after dinner and we had drinks and conversation until it was time for the aforementioned Jimmy Fallon to joke me to sleep. Which he did.