What a shock when we opened the blinds to our patio this morning! Oh, oh, I hope they don’t cancel Easter because of this — there on our putting green was what little was left of the Easter bunny. Maybe that explains the commotion I thought I heard last night when I went to bed. After I made Sue and me a good cup of coffee, I sat down and considered my options. I had to clean up that mess. My first thought was to spray the remains with some of Sue’s hair spray. (It claims to restore life to dead hair.) But all that was left for us to work with were a couple of ears, two little legs, a clump of bloody intestines, and what looked like the brain. By the time we’d eaten breakfast part of the clean-up was done for me: a bird had made off with the brain, and a cat (a cat? where did she come from?) ambled across the yard, stopping to pick at the bunny guts. I put the rest in a plastic bag and threw it in the trash bin.
Cloudy and a bit cooler today — that was good for a hike up and down Silly Mountain. Wow, it’s just SO green and colorful! We don’t recall it ever looking so alive.
When we got home it was time for lunch. Watched “Holmes on Homes” while we ate our sandwich and oatmeal today — that was our routine in November and December, and it felt like ‘old times’.
After lunch Sue went to sit at the pool and read. I watched another home renovation project on TV, did a bit of work on the computer, and went to the driving range. The wind was picking up, and there was the odd raindrop. Cool. Great for me — and great for the few golfers who were enjoying no wait times at each tee.
Back at home, Sue was reading. We had happy hour and watched some of the Arnold Palmer specials on TV. Then we barbecued pork tenderloin for supper. By now there was a very gentle rain outside.
After supper we watched TV — some news, a special celebrating the 50th anniversary of the movie “The Sound of Music”, and then switched to a couple of Netflix movies. We started, but did not finish, the movie “Frank”; then we watched “Thanks for Sharing”. A little pie and ice cream for snack. The end of (another) perfect day in paradise.