Discount Day at The River

So not only does my favourite movie theatre have “Tristone Tuesdays”, when all movies are only $5.75, but now I see that the theatre at The River ALSO has a discount today. So I thought I’d go to see several movies today. But that’s not exactly how things turned out.

I did a couple of New York Times crosswords first thing in the morning. Then I got down to work — my web project had stalled out a bit, so I thought today I wanted to sit down and see if I couldn’t figure out a solution. I took a break for lunch, but went right back to work after that. The list of showtimes had a few options at around one o’clock — but I worked right through that and well into the afternoon.

Finally, at around 4:00pm, I pulled myself away from my computer and drove down to the mall at The River. I guess a lot of folks come to the mall for happy hour and supper — the parking lot was full when I showed up. So I circled around for a while and eventually found a spot. I got to the theatre and bought a ticket for the movie “Widows” — and had to select my seat — and there were only about 8 seats left. I took the one at the end of the last row. All seats are big comfortable recliners, so that was okay. And even though I was a little ‘late’, I still sat through at least 5 previews before the movie began.

There are still a number of movies I want to see, and certainly “Widows” wasn’t really at the top of that list. But the previews I’d seen and the reviews I’d read made it out to be a crime thriller with a few ‘twists’ in it. The director is Steve McQueen, who directed last year’s big Oscar movie, “Get Out”. Well, “Get Out” wasn’t a very good movie in my opinion, and today’s movie wasn’t really very good either.

I left the theatre, found my van, and drove down Bob Hope Drive to the Total Wine store. I bought some Pilsner Urquell and headed back home. It was after 7pm. I made supper (leftovers from yesterday plus a very nice salad) and then sat down to watch the last two episodes of “The Clinton Affair”. And as disappointing as the movie today was, the A&E special was SO good. I’m not sure why — the story is a sad one, and the way it all worked out is really a bit sad too. And there isn’t really any surprise in any of that — I was all into the news in the late 90’s when this actually happened. And maybe that’s why I enjoyed the series so much — it takes me back to ‘the good old days’. And with 20/20 hindsight, and lots of interviews with the people involved, tonight’s TV was probably the highlight of my day.