Down for the count

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…

I got a text from Alex at around 9am. They were having breakfast. What about me? I was still in bed. And I planned to stay there for a while. I didn’t get out of bed until noon. By then it was pretty clear that the kids should stay at their hotel and do their own thing — and I would spend the day resting and trying to get better. And that’s what happened.

I showered and went across the street to the fruit and juice shop and bought a litre of grapefruit juice. I washed down a piece of leftover pizza with that. Then back to bed for the afternoon. I got up again a little after 7. I talked to Alex about plans for tomorrow. Then I took a walk outside — I went down my street and out around the main square. Still lots of action out there. That pizza restaurant had a long line of waiting customers. Busy, busy. I stopped in at my corner grocery store and bought a couple of cokes and a couple of bottles of water. And a yogurt. And a phone card. So now I have a Mexican phone number. And a bunch of data. All set! Under $20.

Back at the house I had some of that yogurt and another piece of pizza and a coke. I was feeling a bit better, but still had a headache. I sat in the living room for a while, but the light was poor and I was trying to read the Spanish on the phone company’s website to figure out exactly how much data I had just bought! Oh well. I turned out all the lights and headed back to my bed. But instead of going to sleep I took out my laptop and wrote my journal for the past two days. It was almost midnight by the time I was done. I was feeling a LOT better than I had for most of the day. I sure hope this thing is behind me now.