It rained today. It rained all day, and it rained hard. Maybe a record rainfall. The dry gully across the street is now a lake. My putting green is a quarter under water. We turned on the Golf Channel just to see if the Phoenix Open was even on today — yep, those guys are playing in the rain. Well, as it turned out, not ALL the guys were playing — Tiger had his worst score EVER today, shooting an 82! That had the commentators talking all day.
Sue went grocery shopping in the morning — to Bashas and the Fruit Market. I tried sorting out our photos from our Danube cycling trip — Sue is on my case to put them online for posterity. I got a bit distracted when I started looking for downloadable movies that are still on our Oscar list.
Sue came home and put away a van full of groceries. Then, after lunch, we watched the first of 3 movies today, all with subtitles. First we saw Ida, a Polish movie nominated for Best Foreign Film and Cinematography. It’s a black and white movie, quiet, no shooting, about a Jewish nun. Pretty good. After the movie we switched back to the Golf Channel to see all the news about Tiger’s debacle, and even Mickelson missed the cut.
Sue made a fantastic curry dish for supper while we watched the news. Then we watched “Two Days, One Night”, a Belgian-Italian-French film starring Marion Cotillard, who is nominated for Best Actress. It’s a good performance, but I can see why it wouldn’t be a big hit in theatres — it’s another slow drama with subtitles. We followed that up with the movie “Tangerines” from Estonia, also nominated for Best Foreign Film. It’s in Russian, so once again we were reading along with the dialogue. But it was a good story and we had no trouble staying awake for it (especially once Sue made popcorn and later coffee and ice cream for us to enjoy during the movie).
At ten o’clock we watched the news. The rain had stopped, at least for now. Sue’s iPad says a 60% chance of rain tomorrow.