Woke up and the sun was shining. The forecast was for rain. After breakfast Robyn, our host, stopped by to deliver her super-light camping chairs. Our hosts are leaving for the weekend — they have a wedding to go to on the west coast. They had volunteered that we could use their camping chairs for the outdoor James Taylor concert on Sunday. Robyn demonstrated how to put them together and take them apart again. We visited for a while. And then it started to rain, not hard, and not for very long, but it rained.
It stayed grey and dreary all day. Warm, but on-and-off sprinkles of rain. A perfect day to stay inside and do nothing. Which is what we did.
After lunch we put on our rain jackets and walked across the street to the little boutique movie theatre — 45 big soft leather seats and you can order drinks and even pizzas while you watch the movie. You pretty much have to book your tickets in advance; the four films they show per day are usually sold out. We’d booked our tickets yesterday morning.
So there we sat with about 38 old ladies and 4 or 5 (lucky, or hoping to get that way!) old men. Ah, we fit right in! The movie was “Lion”, nominated for a few awards. And it was quite a tear-jerker, but really very good.

When we got back home I took my phone out of my pocket (it had been on ‘mute’ for the movie) and noticed we’d missed a FaceTime call from Alex. That explained why I’d heard an annoying phone vibrate about an hour into the movie — some idiot’s phone turned out to be THIS idiot’s phone! Oops. A quick text to Alex — too late — we missed Max who had wanted to ‘scare’ us a bit before going to bed. Maybe we can talk tomorrow. In the meantime Alex had sent us a few photos of Max hamming it up.
Sue made spaghetti and a big salad for supper. We spent most of the evening with me working on the computer and Sue reading. Finally, eyes getting tired from reading and coding, we decided to have a bit of chocolate and watch another episode of “The Crown”.