Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee chilli thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof. Ezekiel 4:9
Yesterday’s huge rainfall and windstorm littered the streets and the golf course with palm branches and leaves. This morning the sun was shining and the country-club workers were hard at work, cleaning up the debris. It’s encouraging to see that the neighbourhood and the golf course are being maintained. Every day there are crews fixing up or painting or tiling the floor in the clubhouse store or renovating the cart garages, etc.

When the Neufelds arrived at our house this morning and the boys headed to the golf course, the temperature was a lovely 24 degrees. And no wind! Probably our nicest day (for golf) so far!
The caddies brought our clubs out from the storage shed and we headed out to hole number 10. The front nine was closed for maintenance today. So we golfed the back nine twice.

When we got to the 18th hole for the second time around I sent MaryLou a text message telling her we were nearly done. Kaaren and MaryLou had spent the morning puzzling at our house. Now they would join us at the clubhouse patio for lunch.
- Kaaren and Rudy ordering lunch from Omar.
- Lunch on the patio.
The Neufelds went back to their place after our lunch and we sat around at our place. We’d had lunch rather late, but by six o’clock we were ready to eat again. There had been talk of taking a cab into town to do some grocery shopping and maybe even see a movie, but by the time evening rolled around we were too comfortable, too lazy, to leave the house. What do we have in the fridge? Well, we still have a pot of leftover chilli — let’s heat that up. According to Dave, “allegedly” chilli gets better each time you re-heat it. (I’d heard the same thing about borscht but I’m quite sure that even if I had to lie on my side for three hundred and ninety days, I still wouldn’t eat borscht!) Our chilli supper was at least as good as it had been when Dave first made it.
After supper we watched the Jets lose to the Flyers while MaryLou tried to find a quiet place to work upstairs. After the game we switched back to Narcos. First we re-watched the episode I’d slept through yesterday, after which I slept through the next episode. Sad! But what the heck, we’re “on holidays”. Off to bed. I put on the CBC National but as I write my journal this morning (for last night), I couldn’t tell you what was on the news.