Holiday Monday

Well, after an action-packed weekend here, today would be a ‘day off’. No golf. No visitors. No agenda. I celebrated ‘Veteran’s Day’ by doing just about nothing! 

After breakfast I sat down and for most of the morning I wrote entries in this blog, which I was WAY behind in. I FaceTimed with my folks. I watched the golfers from my patio — it sure reminds me of six years ago when Sue and I stayed for part of the winter in the Chaparral Country Club, another private country club located right next to the Monterey where I am now, and every morning we sat and watched the old ladies in their pimped-up golf carts enjoying a round of golf.

After lunch (pizza and wings leftovers from yesterday’s supper) I put on jeans (yes, jeans! it’s cool here for the next few days) and went for a walk down to the Westfield Mall. It’s just over 2 miles from my house to the cinema there. It is one of my favorite movie theatres — I discovered it six years ago and it is one of the reasons I came here now. Lots of good movies, not just Hollywood movies, but artsy films and foreign films as well. So today I went to see “A Star is Born”. Not bad. Lots of hype, and Lady Gaga is very good in it. I watched the Netflix special about her a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes when a movie gets a lot of rave reviews I’m a bit disappointed when it doesn’t meet my expectations. 

I walked home after the movie — man, it gets dark early here. By 5:30 it is too dark to golf. Gotta keep that in mind if I end up booking a cheap round on GolfNow — it might be hard to finish a complete game if you teed off at 2:00.

I have a fridge full of food. Supper was grilled cheese sandwiches and sliced pork. Then some TV (no, no Monday Night Football for me!) and a bit more blog writing and by 9:00pm my battle with the sandman ended.