Quiet morning again. I was down by 6:15 and sat in the living room. Max woke up shortly after 7 and once again claimed that he’d only slept a “wee little bit” in the middle of the night. I made coffee and we had breakfast. Then Alex and I went for a bike ride ‘around the loop’. I stopped in to say hello to the rental agent for the house and got permission to reset the garage door opener so we can use the keypad outside instead of always taking the garage door opener or front door key when we go for a bike ride or go to the pool.
- Sudokus with Max
- Sudoku with the iPad
Our goal was to go out to the In-n-Out burger place on Signal Butte at noon. We got there a little after 12 and had cheeseburgers and fries. After lunch we continued on to the San Tan Village shopping centre. I bought some port. Then the kids went shopping while Max and I looked for kids’ stores and entertainment. At 3 o’clock we were done shopping and we headed back home.
- Milkshake for Max, rootbeer for Opa.
- Ride to SanTan Village
- Lots of ‘friends’ to say hi to at the Disney Store
Happy hour. A FaceTime call with Ed and Val who are leaving for Mexico tomorrow morning. At around 5pm Tim and Alex took off in the van for a ‘date night’ (i.e. shopping and dinner out). Max was very excited about having some ‘only Opa’ time. He and I made a list of things that we wanted to do tonight and then began checking them off the list as we did them.
We took our bikes out of the subdivision and drove the long way around to the little playground not far from our house. Max made friends with the 2 kids who were already playing on the structure. We were back home by 7pm. I warmed up the leftover Chinese and we had supper. We did a bit of sketching and we built some lego and we read some stories and we watched a bit of Mary Poppins. And just as I was tucking him into bed his parents came home from their date.
We sat around and visited and tried some of that new port that I’d bought at Total Wine this afternoon. We talked a bit about the plans for tomorrow: the plan is to leave here at around 7am and be at the Grand Canyon before lunch. Tim is hoping to take a helicopter ride. And we’ll probably be home late. So we have a long day ahead. Time to go to bed.