I woke up at 5 a.m. Finished sleeping. Lay in bed waiting for 6 a.m. Time to get up. The kids want to be at the airport by 7:20 for their flight to Fargo. Max is up a little earlier than usual, but the smile on his face this morning is as big as ever. He’s just a happy kid. He’ll eat some toast and cheerios while we have our coffee and toast. I start the van a bit before we need to leave so it will warm up. We load in the suitcases and we’re off. One last drive through our neighbourhood narrated by Max. “Opa? Opa? Opa? What are you doing? I saw two cactuses!”
We get to the airport in no time. Unload. Park the van. Go in — there’s no waiting at the check-in. Max’s car seat, which has been buckled into our van for the last 2 weeks, is now getting checked in as oversize luggage. We head to the gate. One last photo of Max next to a big cactus. Then it’s time for them to go through security. Hugs. Tears. Goodbyes. We’re happy and we’re sad.
Now what? Sue has a shopping list. Groceries, Costco, etc. It’s a bit early, but we find a Fry’s Grocery store not far from the airport and fill up a cart. Then down to Santan Village –first to a coffee shop for a muffin and coffee, then to TotalWine and then to Costco. It seems that we always come home with more than what was on our list. No exception today. I’ve missed having a decent sound system to play my music at the house so I’ve bought a soundbar which I will connect to our TV.
We’re back at the house by around 11:00. Sue puts away the groceries. I check my emails — a few from Dave Driedger. What’s up? Wanna go golfing? He comes by on his bike to say hello. We decide to join him and Marylou for nine holes at Mountain Brook this afternoon. It’s cool, but the sun is making it ‘feel’ warmer than it is.
After lunch we have to hurry to get ready for our golf game. Sue decides she’ll leave the laundry and clean up for tomorrow. I have a quick shower and then the Driedgers are here. We load the clubs into the van and go to the golf course. Four golfers walking nine holes. Just like old times. It’s a fine Saturday afternoon. The golfing is fun — Sue hasn’t golfed at all since before the kids came two weeks ago; Marylou hasn’t golfed since the four of us golfed at Buffalo Point this summer! We finish our round at 5:00. The Driedgers are off to meet friends for supper. We go home to our ’empty’ house.
We watch the last quarter of the NFL Wildcard game — where the Panthers easily defeat the Arizona Cardinals. No surprise there. Then I Skype with my parents for a bit. Just before supper the kids Face-time — they are home, safe and warm and happy. They had to boost their car in Fargo, but otherwise had an easy ride home. It’s VERY cold there now. They’ll have tomorrow to rest from their vacation, and then it’s back to work for them.
We have leftovers for supper and watch the second NFL playoff game. Sue goes to bed before the Ravens win their game against the Steelers. She didn’t sleep very well last night.
Tomorrow is Sunday. It will be a ‘normal’ Sunday morning. It will be quiet in the house. We’ll watch our morning news shows and drink some good coffee — alone. And we’ll miss the ‘busyness’ and the happy ‘hubbub’ of the last couple of weeks.