After a quick breakfast and a check on the internet to see what the kids’ flight status was, I was off to the Palm Springs Airport just in time to welcome Tim and Alex and Max at 9:16 this morning. Everybody was happy. Max had slept through the big flight and Tim and Alex were glad for that. Tim collected the luggage and we got in the van and headed for ‘home’. Got everyone settled into their new place and then Sue made an eleven o’clock lunch. Great! That is exactly the right time for lunch! Especially for the kids, who’d gotten up at 3am for the ride to the Winnipeg airport.
After lunch Sue and I left to go look at a house for possible March rental up in Sun City. Alex had a nap. So did Max. The house was large and very nice, but under-furnished. Our agent, Michelle, said she’d keep looking. On the way back I called Brian and Val Funk — a morning email from Brian and a phone call had informed me that they were on the road to Palm Springs from where they are staying in San Diego — a convention on the weekend. So now I called them and we arranged to meet at our house for a drink. They arrived at our gate just a few minutes after I did. So we all sat outside on the patio and had drinks and visited. Alex awoke too, and so did Max. After they left we sat around and visited and played with Max. In fact, Sue and Alex took Max to the pool but that apparently was not to his liking and they returned almost immediately. Sue put Max down for a nap that turned into a major snooze. Supper was barbecued salmon and rice — very nice, as usual. We watched the Daily Show followed by The Shark Tank. That’s when Max finally woke up. So now we could catch up on lost time — and we had a great visit with Max. The kids were tired and went to bed a little after 9pm. Max stayed up a bit longer, but by 10:30 he too was asleep again. I watched a bit of TV after Sue went to bed. And that’s how Day One of Tim and Alex and Max’s visit to Palm Springs went.