More golf lessons

Friday: Rudy went for a golf clinic (driver) in the morning at Mountain Brook (presented by two young golf pros) – and came back feeling positive about what he learned. Kaaren and MaryLou arrived at our house around 4pm. The boys were golfing 9 holes at Mountain Brook.

Sue and Rudy at Wine Canyon Sunset on the Gold Canyon Golf Course Wine-tasting on the Wine Canyon patio Rudy roars at a good one.

We all met at Wine Canyon for wine tasting and appetizers and great sunset views of the Gold Canyon Golf Course. We picked up a couple of pizzas at the Firehouse Bar & Grill and all had supper together at our house. After supper we watched ‘The Debt’, a movie that Ken and Kaaren had seen before and recommended – but Rudy and Sue both slept through parts of the movie.