Not-so-wild Monday

Got up just before the alarm went off (at 7am). We had our morning toast and then Sue did some laundry while I continued to work on my website. We thought about going to our driving range, but it closes at 10 on Monday, so we’ll probably go tomorrow.

Skyped with Koop about some computer work at lunch time — just before we hopped into the van to go to Cathedral City — to the ‘cheap’ theatre for a movie. The movie, “Cloud Atlas”, began at 12:15. We got there just in time. The movie was almost 3 hours of drivel — really not at all interesting and nothing to say. But at least it was cheap! $1.25 each!

After the movie we headed back towards home. Stopped at Costco to see if they had any good restaurant cards for sale — thought maybe we would buy that for our friendly Albuquerque cop to say thanks. Sue was ready to go ahead with it but I argued that cash would be a way better gift. Sue gave in, although not willingly, and we left without buying anything. On the way out of there we passed a post office store. We quickly made a stop and sent a quick note and cash to the Albuquerque address. So at least that little deed is done and taken care of.

Got home and had to hurry out the back to go for our walk. Just like last night, we started a bit too late. It gets dark so early here that you pretty much have to start the walk at 3:30 or you won’t finish it in daylight. Gives a whole new meaning to ‘twilight golf’ too.

Back at the house Sue got the shrimp and broccoli going while I took a look at a college football game on TV. Then Alex and Max skyped — they’re off to get passports tomorrow. All good at home. That means all is good here too.

We watched an Oliver North ‘anti-Bush’ documentary on Showtime on TV. I continued to make progress on my WordPress theme project on the computer.