Saturday morning, so that means bacon and eggs. Followed by some reading. Sue called her mom and Alex. We’re coming home this Thursday and we need winter jackets in the car for the ride home from the airport.
Lunch. Then we went to Mountain Brook Golf Club. Sue got some new Callaway Clubs for her birthday. And the best part is — they work! We went to the driving range and Sue hit a small bucket of balls — and nearly EVERY ONE of her hits were good ones! It was almost unbelievable.
Then we played nine holes. The first hole was a disappointment — what happened? But as we continued to play (not another soul on the course, and the day was beautiful!) it was clear that Sue was striking the ball a lot further and higher than she did before. So that was very encouraging.
We came home and showered and got dressed up to go out for supper. We had reservations at a restaurant in Tempe: House of Tricks. We sat outside (under the propane heaters and next to a big open fireplace) and had a wonderful meal. It was a fine evening.
We were back home by 9pm. Time to watch a bit of TV. Time to upload a couple of photos and post my journal entry.
Tomorrow is Sue’s sixtieth. Yikes. You’d never know it to look at her. It’s hard enough to keep up with her. She’s younger and healthier and hotter than most 50-year-olds. She’s amazing. I always say that I am one of the luckiest people in the world. And Sue is a big part of that. I am so lucky to have her as my best friend for life. I love her very much.
Tomorrow I will be hanging out with a senior citizen — for real. I’m looking forward to it.