Weekend Update

So this is what I did this weekend:



If that looks like ‘nothing’, it’s pretty much EXACTLY what I did.

Yesterday (Saturday) it was a little cooler than usual here. Instead of going out and working up a sweat on a hike or on the bike, I put on my hoodie and socks and curled up on the couch and read my book. Pretty much ALL day. I have a fridge full of leftovers so I didn’t go out for meals or groceries either.

Today (Sunday) I made a big bacon and eggs breakfast and watched the Sunday morning talk shows until the football games began. I did a big load of laundry. I chatted with Alex on FaceTime for a while. I went out for a decent bike ride in the afternoon. There was a big Ironman race happening here in Indio but unfortunately I didn’t get my registration in on time so someone else won the prize for that. The Sunday Night Football game was a close one so I got quite involved in that.

While the temperatures here this weekend have been in the 60s, it’s supposed to get into the 70s tomorrow and the 80s by midweek. That should be all the incentive I need to get off my butt and DO something.