When life gives you lemons…

Tim and Max sleigh rideBacon and eggs for breakfast. Skyped with Max for a while — he’d just come back from a sleigh ride. Still lots of snow in Manitoba. Not here. I cleaned the fallen leaves and flower petals out of the pool and Sue gathered up the lemons that had fallen to the ground overnight. lemons-on-counter
Huge lemonWe have so many lemons we don’t know what to do with them. There are bags of them in the garbage. The nicer ones Sue has washed and put on display on our counter, but we just don’t know how to use them up. I’m sure we’ll end up throwing them all out. Some of the lemons are HUGE, as big as a grapefruit.

I had a long Skype call with Koop — got lots more work. His renovations are nearly done and his new printer is hooked up. Sue read out on the patio and I sat in my office chair at my computer for the rest of the morning. We had lunch and then we got ready for our golf game. We’d booked tee times at Palm Desert Golf Club — we hadn’t been there since early February — before Tim and Alex came for a visit. Tim and I went there twice, but Sue couldn’t remember the course layout at all.

Rudy and Sue at Palm Desert Golf ClubWhen we got there we were partnered up with a single, Scott, from Chicago. He was a pretty good golfer. The course starts off with a couple of par fives in a row. We all played well; I think we bogied the holes. At the end of the first nine I had 3 pars! Well, I think I had a 9 on at least one hole, so it wasn’t THAT great. But we had some good shots. Sue in the golf cartSue is playing better all the time — good drives and very good putting. And we had a good time. The weather was perfect — not too hot. We had no waiting at all on the front nine, but I guess they’d let a bunch of golfers onto the back nine so it got backed up towards the end. So it was slow going, and the sun was setting, and it was starting to cool off nicely (probably the nicest golfing weather happens on the last hole — kind of like the last round of water-skiing when the lake is like glass).Sue putting on hole 18

After golf we stopped at the Albertsons to pick up a few groceries. Then home. It was after 7 o’clock. I barbecued chicken in the dark while Sue cooked the pasta and made an avocado salad. We watched some TV until we were too tired to stay awake — and went to bed at around ten.