Monday: We slept in until nearly 9 this morning. We had breakfast and sat at the table long enough to have our first meal run into our second. A piece of leftover pizza for lunch. Then I got on my bike and went for a ride — while Sue sat on the lounger in the back yard and tried to get the warmth from the sun help her overcome her back ache. Paul and Kathy went for a walk too. I stopped at Walgreens to pick up a couple of DVDs for tonight. I also went by the golf course to see if anyone was golfing on such a windy day. Yep, they were. But not me. After a shower and happy hour we enjoyed a delicious chicken barbecue prepared for us by Paul and Kathy. We again sat around the table while I went on and on about our trip to China and Mongolia. Then we moved to the living room and we watched the first half of the James Taylor concert DVD. Discussed plans for tomorrow (shopping) and then went to bed.