Day One in Palm Desert

We realized that we had no coffee filters in our house last night, so buying that nice coffee wasn’t really going to help us this morning. So, after a quick cup of instant coffee, we went out into the bright California sunshine. We walked the nearly half a mile OUT of our country club development, and turned south along Portola Avenue, headed for the El Paseo shopping street of Palm Desert. It turned into a pretty long walk. We ended up next to the Visitor’s Center and had breakfast at a Starbucks there. Lots of people out and about. An interesting corner to sit at and watch people.

photo of El Paseo streetAfter a quick stop at the Visitor’s Center continued our slow walk along this major shopping alley. Stopped in at the Apple store to see if they had any iPad minis in stock — only black ones — we’ll wait for the white ones to arrive. Sue priced out some haircuts — $400? Maybe not.

We came back up along Monterrey Avenue, past the big Westfield Mall. We even tried to talk security at the Monterrey Country Club into letting us take a shortcut through their development back to our place — nope, no way, and besides, there’s a big wall in between. So we walked ALL the way around. Got back at around 1, time for lunch. Hot and tired. We’d walked more than 12 kms, more than I’m used to walking lately.

After showers and lunch and some relaxing, we went for a ride, scouting out some of the big box stores. We went to a Walmart where I stood in line forever waiting for the TracFone guy to help me (he tried, but when I got home it still wasn’t working to call to Canada). We even went to Costco where Sue bought bacon and steaks to last us for a few weeks.

Back at our house after dark again, although ‘dark’ happens here at 5pm. Couldn’t really watch the Redbox DVD I’d rented because we don’t have the RGB cables to hook up our new DVD player. Oh well, another day. We had a late supper (roasted potatoes and chicken) and watch a couple of ‘restaurant makeover’ shows on TV. Went to bed early. Tired. The end of a ‘very busy’ day!