Saturday. The first Saturday of the month. We think it must be a day for garage sales. And as we sat and ate our bacon and eggs we watched numerous cars idle by, stopping to look at the open garage door across the street. I guess our neighbour didn’t realize it was garage sale day at Vista Point (our community)! It reminds me of some friends of ours whose garage looked like a garage sale about to happen, and who had to CLOSE their garage doors on Thursday mornings in the summertime.
So, after breakfast, we got on our bikes and scouted things out. Not many open garage doors on our street. Actually, not many sellers in all of Vista Point, although there were some good deals to be had. Too bad we’re not looking for bar stools or an almost-new all-wood dining room suite. No, we’re sort of looking for some table games, or some toys for when Max comes for Christmas. And maybe even some cheap Christmas lights and decorations so we can fit in with the Mountain Brook folks. But not today. So we cycled out to Mountain Brook — no garage sales there — but we saw signs for an ‘estate sale’ and we followed those up the mountain. Hmmm… we’re probably too late — thinks looked pretty ‘picked over’, although Sue DID buy some more serving dishes.
After lunch Sue read and I putskied around and worked on my TV aerial some more. I ended up going into town (Apache Junction) and getting some stuff from ACE Hardware. There was some kind of street market on the Old West Hwy — the road was closed so I had to detour — and so it took me a long time to get there and to get home. And on the way home all I could see ahead of me was the setting sun brilliantly lighting up Superstition Mountain. The sky had been cloudy and gloomy all day but now, at around 5 o’clock, the clouds opened up in the western sky just so the sun could get one last peak at the mountain.
I hurried home so that Sue and I could hike up the little hill behind our house to see that ‘purple mountain majesty’. And as we sat and watched, the mountain and the valley below it put on a little ‘slide show’ for us, changing colors every minute or so. Here’s a gallery of some of my photos — even looking west, out across the desert, the blanket of clouds were tinted with ‘pastel’ pinks and purples.
After supper (leftover spaghetti) we decided to start watching some of those ‘series’ that so many of our friends have told us about but we don’t know anything about. So we watched the first 3 episodes of “Orange is the New Black”. Not sure about it. We switched to CNN after that, and ended up watching 2 one-hour ‘Lisa Lin’ documentaries, which were very interesting (i.e. we didn’t fall asleep during the show!). And then to bed.