My mother sent us an email this morning, encouraging us to trade in our ‘boring’ life in Arizona for the exciting change of seasons in Manitoba. Boring? I must be giving the wrong impression. So, after a breakfast of scrambled eggs (what?!?) and toast and fruit, I asked Sue what we had planned for today. Anything fun? All she had in our schedule was a bike ride. Well, I guess that’s SOMETHING. But first, I checked my handy-dandy weather app on my phone just to see the forecast. And then, just for comparison sake, I checked the forecast for Steinbach.
- Weather in Gold Canyon
- Weather in Steinbach
Hmmm… Then I looked at to see how they were celebrating the first week of Spring. Oh boy!
Yikes! You’d need quite the sense of humour to think that’s ‘fun’. I’ll take our ‘boring’ life here any day.
Back to OUR bike ride:
By now we know that the desert is NOT just sand dunes and cacti, and so I took a few (what?!?) photos of some of the flora we see here in Gold Canyon. Wow! If you thought the desert is just brown and grey and hot and boring, take a look at these photos. Okay, if you’re too busy shovelling snow or waiting for the tow truck, you can come back to these later. Or maybe you’re so used to winter white-outs that all that colour is too hard on your eyes. If so, you don’t have to look at them all in one sitting — go and shovel for a while.
After lunch I posted the photos from our morning bike ride. Sue got out the chicken that we want to BBQ (NOT kidding!) for supper tonight. Then I went to the driving range to enjoy a bit of exercise in the sunshine. After I’d hit about a hundred good shots I decided I might as well take it to the golf course. I drove down to Mountain Brook and asked if I could walk 9 holes. Hmm… there’s a few groups ahead of you. Okay, how about the back nine? There’s no one on eight, no one on nine. Hmm… let me see. Sure! Go ahead. Yes!
So I walked the back nine, all by myself. I even had to take my own photos! It was 3:45 when I started. No waiting. No one ahead. Also, no one to help me spot the ball — so I’d better hit it straight. Which I did. I played two balls, a yellow one for me, and a white one for Sue. And we both played very well. It was close all the way, but lucky for me the yellow ball won, beating white 45 to 48. I walked back to the van at 5:30. Still lots of daylight left.
When I got home Sue was sitting in the back, typing away on her little iPad. I made myself a G&T and tried hard not to give Sue the whole play-by-play of my golf game. Then it was time for supper. Sue had everything ready to go. I barbecued chicken breasts while Sue fried vegetables and cooked pasta. Yum. By 7 o’clock we were done — dishes cleaned up, ready for some TV.