Haircuts and Golf

Wednesday: Read my “Art of Fielding” book in the morning. Sue went to Basha’s after breakfast to take advantage of the monthly (first Wednesday of the month) seniors’ sale day. She came home just in time for an early lunch. At 12 she had a haircut appointment. Meanwhile, I sat down in the garage and cleaned all our clubs and sorted out our hodgepodge of golf balls. When Sue came back from her haircut it was time for my own haircut (by my favourite hairdresser — Sue).

Sue tees off at hole #16By 3:00pm we were off to Mountain Brook for our 3:20 tee time. We had thought we’d hit a bucket of balls first, but when we got there they said we were up next. First hole: bogies for both of us. Not bad. Second hole: same. Third hole: the foursome ahead of us let us play through (so we immediately shanked our shots and piddled our way down the fairway). But after that? Clear sailing. I think I parred hole #4, and birdied hole #5! And there was no one ahead of us for the rest of our game. In fact, after finishing #9 we decided to run across the road and see how far we could get on the second nine. And we both shot well on hole number 10. At some point the guy comes around and starts collecting the flags, but we pretty much played 8 of the back 9 holes. The weather was great. The sky was pink. We holed out number 18 just after 6pm and still had enough daylight to see what we were doing.

We drove by Walgreen’s on our way home and returned last night’s movie and picked up tonight’s: Drive, starring Ryan Gosling. Once home we started up the barbecue and had cheeseburgers and corn-on-the-cob and fruit salad for supper. Watched our Daily and Colbert reruns at 7 and then settled in for our movie at 8pm. Another perfect day in paradise!