Hiking in Indian Canyons

Just after breakfast JP called. Got directions to our place and arrived here by 10:00. We sat around a bit, looked at a book of local hikes Jim borrowed from the Banmans, and then got our hiking boots on and headed out in Jim and Bonny’s car. We drove to ‘Old Palm Springs’ first. marilynmonroe_2Went for a little walk around the area and stopped to take our photos under the giant statue of Marilyn Monroe. We decided to have lunch first, and then go for our hike. So we did that, at an outside patio at a California Pizza Kitchen right on the main drag. Sun was shining — it was a perfect day. In fact, it was a perfect day for hiking — sunny and warm, but not hot; 70 degrees. So we headed south for a few miles until we reached Indian Canyons. Jim and Bonny had hiked here a year ago so Jim knew what to expect. We parked the car and started off across the desert. Out in the distance we could see a grove of palm trees. We followed the trail in that direction. When we got there what had looked like a small clump of trees turned out to be a beautiful ‘forest’ of tall trees and cool shade and a cold stream that we crossed by stepping from rock to rock. And that’s how the afternoon continued — up and down over a rocky outcropping, over a small hill, and then another stream to ford.

hike_w_jim_n_bonny_1 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_7 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_3 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_2 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_12 Crossing a creek with Sue and Rudy hike with JP, BP, Sue, Rudy Hike with Sue, Bonny, Rudy hike_w_jim_n_bonny_11 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_14 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_13 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_21 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_20 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_16 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_22 hike_w_jim_n_bonny_23

We followed the Murray Canyon Trail right up to the Seven Sisters Waterfall at the end of the trail. Stopped to drink our water and take photos. Then back the same way. When we got back to the parking lot we remembered that Sue had brought some trail mix along for us to snack on, so we sat down at a picnic table and had our snack. No point in taking food in your backpack back home if you’re gonna carry it around in your backpack all afternoon. We drove back home and got home at around 5 and had happy hour. Sat around and visited until around 7 when Sue got supper going. Barbecued salmon and rice, etc. Jim and Bonny left at around 9 — we tentatively arranged to get together Sunday night to watch the Oscars. Watched “Shark Tank” and whatever followed that on TV — although we were both tired and headed off to bed because we couldn’t stay awake any longer.