Saturday — YES!

Today the weather was PERFECT! Sunshine, temperature not too hot, not too cold. And to celebrate the start of a perfect day we had a perfect breakfast. I’d been looking forward to this all week.

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Sue skyped Noreen and Mary. I read. Lots of golfers on our course — I guess it’s a perfect day for golf too. So I quickly booked us a tee time at Shadow Mountain. Had to hurry up our lunch so that we could get to the course for 12:50. And when we got there we were lucky to be able to tee off right away, and to golf as a twosome. We quickly caught up to the party ahead, and they let us play through. It continued that way until the last couple of holes when we actually had to wait for a bit. Ultimately, we completed our 18 hole round before 4pm — record time. And it wasn’t because we played so well — no, there were a few holes where we both shot double pars. But there were also some very great shots — a number of pars, some amazingly long putts. Sue’s drives were excellent, her short game still needing a bit of work.

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Anyway, after our early finish we went for a little drive. Stopped at Albertson’s and picked up a few groceries and a DVD rental. Back at home we had a lovely happy hour and watched the last half of “The Story of the Eagles, Part 1” — which I missed a week ago. Well, actually I STILL missed the first 3 albums, so I’ve now marked my calendar for Wednesday’s repeat show. After supper Sue watched the movie rental, which was TERRIBLE! It turned out to be a low-budget Christian ‘movie’ — I can’t believe it was mixed in with real movies on the Redbox machine. I read my “Elephant Whisperer” book instead. We went to bed early — what else is new?