Oscar night in California

Woke up, showered, and sat down with a cup of coffee just in time to watch the 7am edition of Fareed on CNN. At around 9 we had french toast with fruit for breakfast. Sue went to the pool while I read. Sue finished her book, February, a Canada Reads book. I read too. After lunch Sue called her mom. I finished reading my “Elephant Whisperer” book. We watched golf on TV. At 3:30 we left for the Banman’s house. We stopped at Albertsons to return a movie and pick up some drinks and then drove down Washington to Bob Banman’s home in La Quinta. The Banmans were not home — they went to their own Oscar party — but Jim and Bonny had invited us to come over for Oscar night. They have a very lovely large house, with a patio and pool overlooking a private golf course.

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We went for a bit of a walk around the community. Bonny and Sue continued walking while Jim and I went back to the house. The girls ended up walking for just over an hour. We had appetizers and drinks and then sat down in the living room and watched the Hollywood spectacle on the big TV. The show was a bit disappointing: the host was not funny, and the show seemed to drag a bit. When it finally concluded with Argo winning best picture, it was 9pm. We high-tailed it out to Stuft Pizza for ‘supper’. The restaurant was actually closing, but they let us in because there was another big group just sitting down to order. We shared a delicious pizza. Jim drove us back to our van at Banmans and we said goodnight and headed home. Watched a bit of TV (more Oscar ‘highlights’ on CNN) and went to bed by midnight.