Taking care of business

This morning, after breakfast, Sue and I took a walk down to El Paseo. It’s about 2.5 miles from our house. We had an 11:00 appointment at the Windemere Realty office to sign our papers for our March house rental. We met Michele at the office. We filled in credit reports and signed our names in about a hundred places. So now it’s official. We have booked a home from March 1 to 31. It leaves us with a small problem — what to do for the night of Feb 28 — we need to check out here by noon and checkin at the new place is noon March 1. We’re thinking of taking a little (2-3 hour) drive through the mountains down to San Diego and spend an overnight there. We’ll see.

After all that walking and signing we had worked up a pretty good appetite. So instead of going home for lunch we wandered around a bit and decided to go to a little fish ‘n chip place near the real estate office. Good move. Great lunch: 2 pieces of battered fish and chips and an ice-cold Heinekin to wash it down. We should do this every day!

After lunch we walked back home. Sue downloaded another e-book to the Kindle and headed out to the pool for the afternoon. I read my book and then did a bit of computer work.

By 6pm Sue had made chicken fajitas and we were having a little happy hour — gin and tonics, a slice of leftover pizza, watching the old Nixon movie on HBO. A ‘quiet’ day today — not anything really exciting. After supper we watched some more TV, “The Adjustment Bureau” on HBO. Went to bed by 11.