Pars and a birdie

Skyped with Alex and Max for a while this morning. Read my book. It was sunny and nice outside all morning. Called Michele, our real estate agent, back and forth a bit — we were going to visit a house at lunch and another after our afternoon golf game — but now the lunch visit is off because the house is already rented out. The upside is that we got to eat lunch early because we thought we were leaving by 12:15, and eating lunch early is always a good thing. It was clouding over by noon and that meant it got cool. We went to Rancho Mirage and hit a bucket of balls before the start of our game at 2. The course was busy again. We were partnered up with a couple from Seattle — it was their last day of a one week stay at Rancho Las Palmas. Greg was a good golfer who golfed 3 days a week all year. Jeanette was not. And so the four of us had a good time. I started off with a bogey, then a par! Then a couple of triple bogeys. That’s my game! But I finished the front nine with a bogey, birdie!, and a par. Three pars on the front nine. We played 3 more holes (bogeys) before calling it a day and heading off to ‘Victoria Falls’, up in Mission Hills, to view another home. Michele was waiting for us. It’s a big house in a nice neighbourhood. Beth, the woman of the house let us in. Lovely home, decorated Filipino-style by the owners. We met her husband Teddy when he came home just as we were leaving. I think we’ll make this deal. Sue and I stopped at the Vons grocery store across the street from Victoria Falls and bought stuff before heading home. Supper was leftover spaghetti. Watched our shows and then a movie I’d rented at the Redbox at Vons: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Didn’t look that good to me so I read instead, until I got too tired and fell asleep. Went to bed at ten!