The D is Silent

Scrambled eggs for breakfast. Then we read most of the morning — I’m starting a new book, The Elephant Whisperer. Jim Peters skyped and we arranged for a hiking date for Friday. After lunch we went for a quick walk around the country club. Then I dropped Sue off at the Westfield mall to do some shopping and I continued on to the movie theatre at The River (another mall) to see the last big film of the Oscar-nominated list: Django Unchained. I expected a nearly 3-hour bloodbath but was pleasantly surprised. I liked the movie — really liked it until the German guy dies; the ending — not so much. I picked up Sue at 5:45 (she had just finished her coffee and was done shopping) and we went home. Had leftover Chinese for supper. Watched our shows. Got an email from our real estate agent — she wants to meet tomorrow afternoon to go house shopping. Sue was already getting all worked up about not hearing from her, but tomorrow afternoon we have a tee time booked at Rancho Mirage! After surfing through all 465 channels and ending up at CNN again, I retired to the bedroom to continue reading my book. Apparently that didn’t last long. I must have fallen asleep at around 9pm. Maybe this country club life is starting to take its toll on me. I’m getting old.